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Cubed is heavily orientated upon using terrain and landscape to further develop the builds and experience of those who join us, by supplying realistic, fantasy or innovative styles of terrain to amaze and inspire our members to create likewise builds of similar outcome.


By using VoxelSnper, WorldMachine and WorldPainter we carry out this goal, thus creating terrains not yet matched in their beauty and scale. Within these we have the potential to create whatever we desire, from a castle to a city. 


Known examples of the use of terrain to enhance structures include Westpoint and Wein, where vast beaches, cliffs and mountains add mystery and atmosphere to these busy cities, while examples such as Honolulu show the use of tropical terrain to create a modernist city one could only dream of.


Should you decide to come have a peak, visit Autumn Island, our biggest masterpiece yet. This island is a 100% custom 5000x5000 block island wherein no area of terrain is the same, nor are the experences of the cities lying upon it's land.

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