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Traditional Cities

While Cubed is not generally seen for it's traditional tendencies, its an interesting point to make that there's more traditional builds on Cubed than modern.


For Cubed, the term 'Traditional' is used as to describe builds dating from the 17th century to current day; on Cubed our options are endless. To cut a chip from this would be to describe how we have many towns and cities active for our community, including plots for townhouses, buildings and even cathedrals - let your imagination run wild!


Should you decide to have a look around, do visit Blackhalls Estates, Bruges, Wein and Birdenye, all contrasting towns to show the variety achieveable at Cubed. As such this variety means you never feel the same about each build, simply move to a new town and build there too; build up your inspiration and skills as you enjoy yourself.


On a side-note, visiting Luscante would be an interesting trip, where we have taken a traditional town in ideology and renovated each building to modernist standards - innovation is a key aspect of Cubed.



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